08 Jan Pet Friendly Flooring for Your Home
In the market for new flooring? Have a furry or feathered friend at home? Then its important to consider your pet friendly flooring options when it comes to your new floor.
When people talk about pet-friendly flooring, they are usually thinking about two things. What flooring is best for my pet’s health and what types of flooring are easy to maintain with a pet in the home. In this article, we will look at several options that discuss both aspects of pet friendly flooring so you can make the correct decision for your home and furry friend.
Comfort & Traction
When buying new flooring with a pet in mind, it is a good idea to consider the traction and comfort the flooring offers for your pet. For younger puppies and kittens, a non-slip surface will mean they are less likely to slip over, while soft cushioning will put less strain on little paws. For older pets, this is just as important to prevent falls and to be softer on their feet.
The flooring that offers the most comfort and traction in flooring is carpet. Generally, carpet isn’t advised as a pet friendly option as carpet can stain and retain smells more than other flooring. However, there are several carpets designed specifically with pet owners in mind such as Redbooks Green Carpet. They do, however require more cleaning and maintenance to ensure pet hair doesn’t embedded itself in the fibers.
While carpet is good for traction, there are plenty of other options you can choose from that have slip-resistant surfaces. After all, slip resistance is also important for people. The most advocated flooring for dogs, cats and other animals is vinyl, specifically luxury or hybrid vinyl flooring. This is because they can be created with textured surfaces (often resembling hardwood flooring) that offer grip, while also having the option for a softer surface than hard flooring. These floors are also easy to clean, waterproof, and are scratch resistant.
Other options include laminate flooring, which offers the look and feel of timber. These floors are perfectly fine for pets, but be aware they are not as waterproof. So, better suited for homes with housetrained pets.
Tiles with a non-slip surface or texture are also a good option, though they are not as soft if your pet is prone to falls. They are long-lasting and scratch resistant.
Scratch Resistant
For people with cats or dogs that want to dig through your floors, having scratch resistant flooring is an ideal choice. Vinyl, laminate flooring and tiles are all good choices for those looking for a more resilient flooring choice. We’d advise against carpet in this instance, as it can catch on long claws and be easily teared up.
As an added advantage, if you choose vinyl planks or tiles, or laminate flooring, you can easily replace sections of your floors if they do get damaged by an over-exuberant pet.
Waterproof Flooring for Pets and Ease of Cleaning
A clean house is important for you and your pet’s health, and certain floors are easier to keep clean than others when pets are involved. Carpet, for example, can trap smells and pet hair in its fibres and requires more frequent cleaning.
However, many options of vinyl and tile floors are very easy to clean. They are a waterproof flooring for pets that have toilet accidents, and are easy to sweep up pet hair from. Thanks to their harder surface, pet hair won’t stick, and toilet leaks can be easily cleaned up without damaging the flooring.
Laminate flooring is also an option for easy cleaning, but it isn’t as resistant to water. This is better used for homes with toilet trained pets. You can look at getting a waterproof coating added however, if you prefer laminate flooring over other options.
VOC – Volatile Organic Compounds
A growing concern for both pet health and human help is VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). These are gases that leak from certain surfaces. The lower the VOC levels of your flooring product, the safer they are for both you and your pet.
Look for flooring with FloorScore Certification, GreenGuard Certification or CRI Green Label Plus Certification, as these have been tested to ensure they are non-toxic for you or your pets. There are non-toxic options for laminate, vinyl, tiles and carpet.
VOCs can also be found in installation glues and adhesives. It’s often advised to use other methods of installation where possible – such as floating floors or carpet tacks.
What floors are safe for my pets?
For the best floor for your pets, it really depends on you and your pet’s requirements. Most options are versatile, and with the right interior designer, pet friendly options can be advised based on your preferences.
The best flooring for dogs and cats is luxury vinyl, as long as it has a low VOC count. While carpet is soft on paws, it isn’t easy to keep clean. Tiles are easy to keep clean, but not as gentle on falls. Laminate is also a great choice, being textured and easy to clean – as long as urine is not involved.
For more advice on pet friendly carpet and flooring options, get in touch with our friendly experienced interior designer at Deloraine Carpets Centre. We are always happy to assist you in finding the right flooring for your home and pets.