Why choose vinyl flooring – vinyl tiles and vinyl planks


Why choose vinyl flooring – vinyl tiles and vinyl planks


In this blog, we will be discussing vinyl flooring, including vinyl tiles and vinyl planks. We will take a look at the benefits of using vinyl flooring in your house and answer some commonly asked questions about this type of flooring.

If you are building or renovating then you have probably considered vinyl flooring options at some stage. In today’s modern homes, the use of vinyl flooring, whether it is vinyl tiles or vinyl planks, is increasing considerably and there are a huge number of options and designs to choose from when it comes to selecting the right type of vinyl flooring. So that’s where we come in. We will explain the differences between Vinyl flooring – Vinyl planks and Vinyl tiles, and why they are such great flooring options for today’s modern homes.

In the 1960s, vinyl flooring was all the rave. Nearly every Australian kitchen was using it for its style diversity and practical use. Vinyl flooring has come a long way.

With advancements in technology and manufacturing, we are now able to provide a multitude of designer options in all vinyl tiles and vinyl planks to suit every need. The wide range of colours, tones, wood and grain patterns, and ceramic tile looks has expanded. And so has the quality of the manufacturing of these products.

A commonly asked question is, ‘what is the difference between vinyl planks and vinyl tiles?’

Put simply, it is purely around design. Vinyl tiles are usually designed to simulate the look of wooden and timber flooring, while vinyl planks are usually designed to simulate stone or ceramic tiling.

Due to the increased range of designer styles, vinyl planks and vinyl tiles are now an excellent option for any room in the home. Whether it is a contemporary tile look for the kitchen or bathroom,  a warmer tone, and wood grain look for the living room or soft and cosy bedroom vibe. Vinyl flooring has what you need.

Both vinyl tiles and vinyl planks are a great option if you are renovating. Whether it is replacing an outdated floor or you are seeking to replicate a particular look for any room of a new house.

There are so many reasons to explore the use of vinyl planks and tiles, and it’s not just because they can be more budget-friendly than other flooring options. So what are these reasons?

Durability – Vinyl planks and vinyl tiles are extremely durable. If you have small children or animals it is a fantastic choice for high traffic areas and a room that may experience a lot of spills With vinyl planks, wear and tear can also add to the aesthetics of a lived-in floor. Giving character, just like a traditional wooden floor.

Get the look – When choosing a floor covering it is important to keep in mind what type of style you are wanting to create. With the choice of vinyl planks and tiles, you are sure to find something unique to suit your overall look and design, with a huge range of colours, rustic wood looks, and modern designs, to suit all home styles.

Spills and moisture – The benefit of choosing vinyl planks or tiles for a kitchen or bathroom is that it is easier to clean up spills! They are also softer underfoot which helps with comfort and also for avoiding those accidental breaks! With vinyl planks or tiles you don’t have to worry about cleaning grout either, unlike traditional ceramic, Have you ever tried restoring grout to brand new? Horrible!

So think about the style you love and what room it is that you are designing and make time to come in and see us at Deloraine Carpet Centre. We are more than happy to talk you through all the different options available and can help to guide you in the right direction.